



AGinvest Farmland Properties Canada provides investors access to premium Canadian farmland.


AGinvest Farmland Properties has a mission to protect the integrity of Canadian farmland for future generations. We work with farmers to help their operations quickly achieve scale and become more profitable. We provide unique transition opportunities for the wave of farmland transfers set to take place over the next decade. We help young farmers quickly achieve scale and make their farming operations more profitable.

AGinvest Farmland Properties recognizes that farmland is an asset that continues to generate more value through higher production and increased efficiencies. Ontario farmland, in particular, is extremely well-positioned to help supply the planet with the increasing demand for quality food. We believe quality farmland that can adapt to climate change is positioned to perform very well relative to other asset classes.


1st Private Partnership

AGinvest launches its 1st private partnership with investors and acquires 757 acres of Ontario Farmland.

AGinvest Farmland One Inc.

AGinvest launches AGinvest Farmland One Inc, a corporate investment structure designed for Accredited investors.

AGinvest Farmland Two Inc.

2020 AGinvest launches AGinvest Farmland Two Inc, a corporate investment structure designed for Accredited investors.

AGinvest Farmland Three Inc.

AGinvest launches AGinvest Farmland Three Inc, a corporate investment structure designed for accredited investors as well as farm family transition planning.

General Partner for AGinvest Farmland IV LP

AGinvest acts as the General Partner for AGinvest Farmland IV LP and partners with two prominent Canadian institutional investors.

United Nations Initiative

AGinvest qualifies and is accepted as a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Initiative.



Kent F. Willmore
BEd, BEnvs, CAFA, President

Kent is a highly experienced leader in the agriculture industry with over 30 years of expertise. As the President and Founder of AGinvest Farmland Properties Canada Inc., he has established a successful farmland asset management firm in Chatham, Ontario. In 2018, Kent launched the AGinvest Farmland One Fund, providing investors unique access to Ontario's fertile farmland. Under his leadership, AGinvest has established three more successful funds that have delivered exceptional results for investors and farm families. AGinvest is committed to creating mutually beneficial opportunities for investors and farm families while supporting food security and promoting sustainable farming practices. Kent holds a Bachelor of Education and a Bachelor of Environmental Science from the University of Waterloo, where he was recognized as an all-Canadian academic athlete. Kent is a member of the Canadian Association of Farm Advisors (CAFA) and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, demonstrating his commitment to advancing the industry.


William J. Loucks
BSc (Agr), CPA, CA, Chairman

William received his Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture from the University of Guelph in 1978. William then qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1981 and joined Collins Barrow public accounting in 1989. William recently retired from his position there as the Managing Partner of the Chatham-Kent practice. William is an active investor in privately held manufacturing companies. William is also a Director of a publicly-traded Canadian company. In 2007, the Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce awarded William their Business Professional of the Year award.